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MidOpt filters
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Shortpass/Notch Colour Filters

Shortpass filters let shorter (bluer) visible and infrared wavelengths pass while blocking the longer ones. Useful for improving contrast, resolution and separating colours in black/white or colour applications. Typically not recommended for machine vision unless blocking of multiple wavelengths is necessary.

• SP570 – Blue-Green Dichroic Shortpass – blocks orange to NIR
• SP625 – Blue-Orange Dichroic Shortpass – blocks deep red/NIR
• NF550 – Magenta Dichroic Shortpass – blocks green while passing blue and red wavelengths  

SP510 Blue Dichroic Shortpass Filter
Suitable for
Passes 350-500nm, 810nm and above. Reflects 510-800nm
• Blocks green and red portions of the spectrum • Sorting gold from silver or plated metal parts
• Seeing certain temperature areas while not blinding the system from the brighter, hotter areas.

While this filter blocks the green and red portions of the spectrum and at least some near-IR wavelengths, it does not block the UV portion of the spectrum to which many cameras today are sensitive. However, There are a few cases where this can be advantageous - the separation of brass or gold-plated objects from chrome or silver-plated ones that are otherwise of the same size, shape and configuration.

Since gold-plated objects do not reflect well in the UV or deep blue while silver-plated objects do, this filter can be the best choice for such applications. Gold plated objects often appear much darker to the camera. It is particularly effective when the camera has been selected for good UV and deep blue sensitivity and there is no infrared component in the surrounding ambient light.

Certain machine vision filters can also be used to block the bright glow of hot metals, glass and other material. Shortpass filters allow light up to a specific wavelength to pass through while blocking all light at higher wavelengths. This useful feature permits, for example, the viewing of hot rolled steel to see certain temperature areas while not blinding the system from the brighter, hotter areas.

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SP570 Blue-Green Dichroic Shortpass – blocks orange to NIR
Suitable for
Passes visible, 400-570nm
Reflects 500-1060nm
• Blocks orange to NIR • Blocks the bright glow of hot metals, glass and other material

For applications requiring the removal of the red and near infrared portions of the spectrum, the SP570 is the filter of choice. Note: transmission of blue light suffers somewhat.

Certain machine vision filters can also be used to block the bright glow of hot metals, glass and other material. Shortpass filters allow light up to a specific wavelength to pass through while blocking all light at higher wavelengths permitting, for example, the viewing of hot rolled steel to see certain temperature areas while not blinding the system from the brighter, hotter areas.

This filter's single substrate material is Borofloat, a heat-resistant glass similar to Pyrex.


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SP585 – Cyan Dichroic Shortpass – blocks red and very near IR
Suitable for
Passes 370-580nm, 830nm and above
Reflects 590-820nm
• Separates the green and blue visible portions of the spectrum from the red
• Imaging hot, molten glass or metal
• Any application where there is a large amount of orange, red and near-IR light

Cyan dichroic single substrate filters separate the green and blue visible portions of the spectrum from the red. Certain applications benefit best from this type of filter, such as where there is an overwhelming amount of orange, red and near-IR light. Some examples are when hot, molten glass or metal must be imaged. However, infrared light beyond 875nm is not well blocked, so the use of an additional infrared-blocking filter, or the SP570 or SP625 shortpass filters, is often recommended.

Certain machine vision filters can also be used to block the bright glow of hot metals, glass and other material. Shortpass filters allow light up to a specific wavelength to pass through while blocking all light at higher wavelengths. This useful feature permits, for example, the viewing of hot rolled steel to see certain temperature areas while not blinding the system from the brighter, hotter areas.

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SP625 – Blue-Green-Orange Dichroic Shortpass Filter, blocks Red-NIR
Suitable for
Passes 405-620nm
Reflects 630-1080nm
• Blocks much of the red and all of the near-IR portions of the spectrum, passing blue, green and orange light.

• Imaging hot, molten glass or metal
• Shrouding" light emitted by 660nm dark red LEDs in one portion of a machine vision inspection application

The SP625 single substrate filter blocks much of the red and all of the near-IR portions of the spectrum, passing blue, green and orange light. This filter can be used to "shroud" light emitted by 660nm dark red LEDs in one portion of a machine vision inspection application, from a camera used with white or other lighting in another portion of the same system.

Certain machine vision filters can also be used to block the bright glow of hot metals, glass and other material. Shortpass filters allow light up to a specific wavelength to pass through while blocking all light at higher wavelengths. This useful feature permits, for example, the viewing of hot rolled steel to see certain temperature areas while not blinding the system from the brighter, hotter areas.

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NF550 – Magenta Dichroic Notch Filter (Green Block)
Suitable for
Passes 320-465nm, 610nm and above
Reflects 470-600nm
• Blocks only green wavelengths
• Single substrate, hard-coated shortpass filters

• Designed primarily for monochrome applications where, for example, green-colored subjects are viewed against a different color background.

Magenta Dichroic Filters are technically not Shortpass Filters but are more commonly referred to as "Notch Filters". They block a certain wavelength range while passing all others; only green wavelengths are blocked while all other light is passed. The result is that objects take on a reddish-purple appearance when viewed in colour.

These filters, as all single substrate, hard-coated shortpass filters, are designed primarily for monochrome applications. For example, in those cases where green-coloured subjects are viewed against a different colour background, these filters can be very effective in separating the subject (which now appears darker) from the background (which now appears lighter).


Model Model #
Dimensions 4.5" x 5.0" x 2.5"



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