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Adept Machine Vision Workshops - July 2008

Adept Electronic Solutions conducted the first of a series of Machine Vision Training Workshops during July 2008. The 2-day workshops were held on the 14th&15th July in Melbourne and 17th&18th July in Sydney.

The workshops were overseen by the team of vision specialists at Adept, while Chris Chalifoux was the International Guest Lecturer. Chris is the senior applications and training engineer for Dalsa iPD and provided a thorough coverage of machine vision software with useful insights throughout the training. Adept engineers presented workshops on the selection of hardware for a vision system. There were large turnouts for both workshops and there was very positive feedback received from attendees. Overall the workshops were very successful and we would like to thank all the participants for making them so.

Each workshop consisted of two intensive days packed with information. Attendees were given a better understanding by Chris on how to design a machine vision system as well as learn the details of what software tools are available and when to use them. Adept engineers gave lessons on how to select optics, lighting and the other components required for a reliable vision system. All participants received demonstration software to take away as well as a wealth of application notes and technical papers explaining how to implement a vision system.

If you require any further information on any of our products or require help with a vision project then please don't hesitate to contact us. We can help you with any aspect of your vision system.

Adept will hold similar events in the near future and so if you or any of your colleagues are interested in attending please contact us soon.

Adept Electronic Solutions is 'The Machine Vision and Imaging Specialist' in Australia and New Zealand. Contact AES by e-mail on or by phone on (08-92425411), (03-95555621) or (02-99792599) or online at .



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