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3D Vision Made Easy

SAL3D 3D Shape Analysis Libray

AQSense has released the new SAL3D 3D Shape Analysis Library for laser profiling. SAL3D comprises a set of four libraries for creating 3D applications for laser profiling applications. The libraries can be purchased and used independently or as a bundle and comprise of:

  1. Peak Detection Tool
  2. Calibration Tool
  3. Merge Tool
  4. 3D Match Tool.

Laser or Light Stripe Profiling is a technique that uses a light line generator and camera offset by a distance such that the height information can be measured along the line profile in each image using triangulation. By moving an object past the light stripe and camera the full 3D shape of the image can be measured. Multiple image profiles are captured of the object as it passes.

Peak Detector Tool - The Peak Detector tool locates the centre of the light line using a new unique algorithm that has very significant advantages over the standard Centre of Gravity method. With this new detection technique, height variations as small as 5 microns can be detected with 90 degrees between camera and laser and with a Field of View of 130mm using a 1024x1024 pixel camera. Its real strength however is that it operates accurately on surfaces with very different textures. In a perfect situation a laser line will be brightest in the centre of the line and so COG will accurately predict the centre. However if the surface texture changes the brightest part of the line will shift. The AQSense Peak Detector will continue to accurately measure the centre of the line where the COG technique fails. It offers up to 1/64th of a pixel detection.

Calibration Tool - A system is verily easily setup to make accurate measurements that account for the parallax (perspective distortion) inherent in both the light line generator and the camera view. 3D calibration targets are placed in the field of view and the Calibration Tool uses key features on the target as 3D calibration marks and automatically corrects the distortion to give accurate metric measures.

Merge Tool - Using a single line generator and camera the object being measured can produce shadows (occlusions) where the light line disappears in the image. This part of the object cannot be measured. By using two line generators the Merge Tool allows you to merge both images to produce a near shadow-less 3D map.

3D Match Tool - The 3D Match Tool takes multiple profile line images and generates a 3D point cloud map. It allows you to map a Golden Template object with which to compare to the shape of subsequent objects. It firstly aligns the measured object 3D point cloud to that for the Golden Template and then identifies and highlights where the differences are. Parts can therefore be inspected for 3D shape and then passed, rejected or recycled.

Adept Electronic Solutions are "The Machine Vision and Imaging Specialists" and distributor of AQSense products in Australia and New Zealand. To find out more the Photonfocus 3D Suite or any other Photonfocus machine vision product please email us at: or call us at Perth (08) 92425411 / Sydney (02) 99792599 / Melbourne (03) 95555621 or use our online contact us page.



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