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Adept Turnkey 3D Knowledge Days success

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3D Vision Knowledge Days

With the collaboration of our manufacturers, Adept Turnkey's 3D Knowledge Days presented a significant opportunity for learning to our Sydney and Melbourne attendees. The content was designed for both novices and intermediates and the full day seminars delivered technical and product information on the latest technologies for industrial 3D imaging. Attendees gained significant knowledge and understanding of the new technologies that have recently come to market.

Following a welcome and overview of the 3D sensor market, presentations covered the main 3D technologies in today's 3D sensor market. New hardware and software techniques were presented with product and application examples. "I am very happy with the turnout for our 3D Knowledge Days" said Marc Fimeri, the Managing Director of Adept Turnkey, after the events. "Attendees were clearly pleased to be offered the chance to learn about new vision technologies without it being solely about products and sales. We are of course a sales/support company but these seminars fit our vision of Smarter Imaging for Better Lives, which encompasses Adept providing knowledge to our customers to help them make better decisions".

The Adept Turnkey 3D Knowledge Days are the first of more technical machine seminars to be presented by Adept Turnkey.
Please keep an eye out for the next one close to you.

Technical speakers included both Adept’s own engineers as well as overseas visitors from our manufacturers.

Demonstrations and discussions included information on 3D structured light sensors, textured pattern stereo, time-of-flight sensors and lasers for structured light 3D. There were also several 3D software tools and technqiues presented.

The day concluded with a calibration workshop and a networking opportunity to meet and share ideas with experts, colleagues and potential users of 3D vision technologies.

Adepts Turnkey thanks and acknowledges the work of all presenters, contributors and participants to the day’s success. Both Sydney and Melbourne venues and arrangements were ably organised to ensure both smooth running and good food.

Adept Turnkey Pty Ltd are "The Machine Vision and Imaging Specialists" and distributor of 3D vision products in Australia and New Zealand. To find out more about 3D vision products or any machine vision product, please contact us or call Perth (08) 9242 5411 / Sydney (02) 9979 2599 / Melbourne (03) 9384 1775



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