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Vision System Finds Snipers, Saves Lives

The Directed Perceptions Pan-Tilt units are used worldwide for many demanding industrial and defence applications . They are designed for mharsh environments and to produce fast, accurate positioning with both small and large cameras, lasers, antennas, or other payloads up to 32kgs at speeds up to 60 degrees/second.

RAFAEL is a defence supplier and as a leading military systems developer understands that today's threats require fast, flexible solutions that can be deployed quickly and adapted to changing environments.

SPOTLITE is an electro-optical system designed to pinpoint the location and sources of small arms fire.

The system can handle simultaneous, multiple fire sources, including small arms and sniper fire sources, during day and night, at long ranges, and with high precision and detection probabilities. The system comprises a thermal camera with continuous zoom, a laser range finder, a GPS, a commander control system and multiple "subscribers" located with the unit's snipers.


SPOTLITE analyses the fire sources detected, verifying that each source is actually enemy fire. When verified, data is transferred to the supported unit, which can engage them with fire support, snipers or indirect fire. When the SPOTLITE development team needed a rugged, precise pan-tilt unit for this mission-critical product, they turned to Directed Perception's PTU-D46-70 model. During development and testing, the unit was put through rigorous testing in harsh outdoor environments and passed with flying colors.

The SPOTLITE system is currently operational. It was designed for use by observation and reconnaissance forces, sniper units and Special Forces as well as for the protection of static posts under enemy threat. By rapidly closing the sensor-to-shooter loop, targets can be processed within relatively short "windows of opportunity" characteristic of urban warfare scenarios. When required, the system can translate target data into coordinates for other shooters, or mark the target with a laser marker.

To find out more information about the Pan-Tilt unit that was used for this system please contact us.



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